5、 Was it at five o’clock _____ the fire broke out? A. when B. that C. since D.
14、A. key B. money C. man D. creature
14、A. key B. money C. man D. creature
4、 To get good grades, ______________. A. working
4、 To get good grades, ______________. A. working hard is very important B. one
7、A. worth B. habits C. fame D. values
7、A. worth B. habits C. fame D. values
5、A. joy B. fear C. excitement D. surprise
5、A. joy B. fear C. excitement D. surprise
2、 E(52--55) The London Stock Exchange has always
2、 E(52--55) The London Stock Exchange has always been famous has always been fa
8、 It was several minutes ______ the police arrive
8、 It was several minutes ______ the police arrived at the spot. A. when B. befo
6、A. joined B. judged C. connected D. seemed
6、A. joined B. judged C. connected D. seemed
3、 In the second paragraph, “nursed” means _______
3、 In the second paragraph, “nursed” means __________ . A. brought the mother so
15、A. problem B. price C. life D. use
15、A. problem B. price C. life D. use
1、 According to the writer of the letter, those wh
1、 According to the writer of the letter, those who oppose exams __________ . A.
12、A. or B. but C. if D. since
12、A. or B. but C. if D. since
1、 ——We were surprised to hear that the reason ___
1、 ——We were surprised to hear that the reason _____she gave for her absence was
1、A. taking B. costing C. spending D. making
1、A. taking B. costing C. spending D. making
10、 ——Did he notice you enter the room? ——I don’t
10、 ——Did he notice you enter the room? ——I don’t think so. He _____ to the radi
4、A. stopped B. told C. askedD. helped
4、A. stopped B. told C. askedD. helped
2、 ——Are you going to attend Mrs. Flower’s party?
2、 ——Are you going to attend Mrs. Flower’s party? ——No, ______. But I haven’t __
2、A. life B. society C. belief D. money
2、A. life B. society C. belief D. money
3、 This color TV is very expensive, but not _____.
3、 This color TV is very expensive, but not _____. A. so better B. as better C.
9、 Zheng He’s first stop was in ______ is today a
9、 Zheng He’s first stop was in ______ is today a part of Vietnam. A. the place
9、A. found B. discovered C. cheated D. followed
9、A. found B. discovered C. cheated D. followed
13、A. separately B. obviously C. mainly D. whole-h
13、A. separately B. obviously C. mainly D. whole-heatedly
8、A. anxious B. glad C. sorry D. afraid
8、A. anxious B. glad C. sorry D. afraid
4、 D(47--51) Dear Editor: While a new school term
4、 D(47--51) Dear Editor: While a new school term is about to begin, perhaps we
11、A. cold-hearted B. warm-hearted C. good-looking
11、A. cold-hearted B. warm-hearted C. good-looking D. humorous