选择题:2、 E(52--55) The London Stock Exchange has always

2、 E(52--55) The London Stock Exchange has always been famous has always been famous as a place for men only, women used to be strictly forbidden to enter. But the world is changing day by day, and even the Stock Exchange, which seemed to be a man’s castle, is gradually opening its door to the other sex. On 16th November 1971, a great decision was taken. The Stock Exchange council ( the body of men that administers the Stock Exchange) decided that women should be allowed on to the new trading floor when it opened in 1973. But the “castle” had not been completely conquered. The first girls to work in “The House” were not brokers(经济人) or jobbers. They were neither allowed to become partners in stock broking firms, nor to be authorized dealers in stocks and shares. They were simply junior clerks and telephone operators. Women have been trying to get into the Stock Exchange for many years. Several votes have been taken in “The House” to see whether the members would be willing to allow women to become members, but the answer has always been “No”. There have been three refusals of this kind since 1967. Now women are admitted although in a very junior capacity(地位). Two firms of jobbers made an application to the Stock Exchange Council to be allowed to employ girl clerks. Permission was finally given. A member of the Stock Exchange explained, after this news had been given “The new floor is going to be different from the old one. All the jobbers will have their own stands, with space for a telephone and typewriters. Therefore there will have to be typists and telephone operators. So women must be allowed in.” This decision did not mean a very great victory in the war for equal rights for women. However, it was a step to the right direction. The chairman of the Stock Exchange said, “I think that the opening of the new building will eventually lead to women being allowed to have full membership of the Stock Exchange. It’s only a matter of time, it must happen.” 52. It was not until 16th November, 1971 that________. A. the London Stock Exchange opened its doors to women B. women began to work in the London Stock Exchange for the first time C. the Council decided to allow women on to the new trading floor when it opened in 1973. D. the “castle” was completely conquered

设函数f(x)=x/x-1,则当x≠0且x1时,f1/f(x)( )(本题1.0分) A、 x-1/

设函数f(x)=x/x-1,则当x≠0且x1时,f1/f(x)( )(本题1.0分) A、 x-1/x B、 x/x-1 C、 1-x D、 x


盐酸哌替啶体内代谢产物中有镇痛活性的是( )(本题1.0分) A、 去甲哌替啶酸 B、 哌替啶酸

盐酸哌替啶体内代谢产物中有镇痛活性的是( )(本题1.0分) A、 去甲哌替啶酸 B、 哌替啶酸 C、 去甲哌替啶 D、 去甲哌替啶碱 E、 羟基哌替


局部器官或组织内动脉血输入量异常增多的现象称为(本题4.0分)A、 生理性充血B、 炎性充血C、 主

局部器官或组织内动脉血输入量异常增多的现象称为(本题4.0分)A、 生理性充血B、 炎性充血C、 主动性充血D、 淤血
