单选题:根据以下内容回答题:Washington Irving was America’S first man of lett

Washington Irving was America’S first man of letters to be known internationally.His works were received enthusiastically both in England and in the United States.He was,in fact,one of the most successful writers of his time in either country,delighting a large public and at the same time winning the admiration of fellow writers like Scott in Britain and Poe and Haw-thorne in the United States.The respect in which he was held partly owing to the man himself,with his warm friendliness,his good sense,his urbanity,his uplifting spirits,his artistic inte-grity,his love of both the Old World and the New.Thackeray described Irving as“a gentle-man,who,though himself born in no very high sphere,was most finished,polished,witty;so-cially the equal of the most refined Europeans.”In England he was granted an honorary degreefrom Oxford--an unusual honor for a citizen of a.young,uncultured nation--and he received the medal of the Royal Society of Literature.America made him ambassador to Spain.
Irving’s background provides little to explain his literary achievements.A gifted but deli-cate child,he had little schoolin9,He studied law,but without zeal,and never did,practice seriously.He was immune to his strict Presbyterian home environment,frequenting b&h social gatherings and the theater.
The main point of the first paragraph is that Washington Irving was__________ . A.America’s first man of letters
B.a writer who had great success both in and outside"his own country
C.a man who was able to move from literature to politics
D.a man whose personal charm enabled him to get by with basically inferior work


下列关于工业项目建筑设计影响工程造价的阐述,错误的是(  )。

下列关于工业项目建筑设计影响工程造价的阐述,错误的是(  )。A.建筑物周长与建筑面积比越低,设计越经济 B.对于多跨厂房,当跨度不变时,中跨数目越多越经济 C


关于技术创新的说法,正确的有(  )。

关于技术创新的说法,正确的有(  )。 A.技术创新不是经济行为,而是技术行为 B.技术创新是一项低风险的活动 C.不同层次的技术创新所需时间存在差异性 D.


票据的签发、取得和转让,必须具有真实的交易关系和债权债务关系。(  )

票据的签发、取得和转让,必须具有真实的交易关系和债权债务关系。(  )



代理记账机构为委托人编制的财务会计报告,经代理记账机构负责人签名并盖章后,按照有关法律、行政法规和国家统一的会计制度的规定对外提供。(  )



