某单位以箱为单位向困难职工分发救济品,如果有12人每人各分7箱,其余的每人分5箱,则余下148箱;如果有30人每人各分8 某单位以箱为单位向困难职工分发救济品,如果有12人每人各分7箱,其余的每人分5箱,则余下148箱;如果有30人每人各分8箱,其余的每人分7箱,则余下20箱。由此 分类:公卫助理医师 题型:单选题 查看答案
A person’s initials in signature are acceptable if the fax a A person’s initials in signature are acceptable if the fax are sent through a fa 分类:公卫助理医师 题型:单选题 查看答案
投资者自愿选择以要约方式收购上市公司股份的,其预定收购的股份比例均不得低于该上市公司已发行股份的( )。 投资者自愿选择以要约方式收购上市公司股份的,其预定收购的股份比例均不得低于该上市公司已发行股份的( )。 分类:公卫助理医师 题型:单选题 查看答案
As far as the language used is concerned,the writing of a fa As far as the language used is concerned,the writing of a fax in foreign trade,i 分类:公卫助理医师 题型:单选题 查看答案
Courtesy means not only in using polite phrases but also in Courtesy means not only in using polite phrases but also in showing your( )for 分类:公卫助理医师 题型:单选题 查看答案