选择题:Many people are frightened by spiders. They are es

Many people are frightened by spiders. They are especially afraid of large, hairy ones. The largest and most frightening of all spiders is the bird-eating spider, which lives in the hot, thick rain forests of northern South America.

Bird-eating spiders are a type of tarantula. They are very hairy. Some of these giant spiders can spread eighteen centimeters (seven inches) with their legs. Tarantulas are not , as most people think, poisonous spiders. They can bite, and the bite is painful, but it will not kill a grown-up. The poisonous bite of a black widow spiders far more dangerous.

Bird-eating spiders often hide in holes and under rocks during the day, but at night they creep out and hunt for insects. As you might guess from their name, they also catch birds and eat them.

They have another unusual ability. They can walk up windowpanes because of sticky, silky hairs on their feet that cling to glass.

The bird-eating spider can be described as __________.

A. a very hairy spider
B. a very frightening spider
C. the largest of spiders
D. all of above
(2分)This spider lives where the climate is ___________.

A. wet and hot
B. cool and dry
C. hot and dry
D. cool and wet
(2分)The article says that the bird-eating spider is a kind of _______.

A. large crab
B. tarantula
C. black widow spider
D. all of the above
(2分)Compared with the bite of a black widow spider, the bite of a tarantula is ___________.

A. more dangerous
B. less dangerous
C. just as dangerous
D. none of the above
(2分)Bird-eating spiders hunt ____________.

A. during the day
B. at night
C. at dawn
D. both A and B

做好时间管理的目的 ()

做好时间管理的目的 () A. 提高效率 B. 抓住机会 C. 灵活应变 D. 改善效益 E. 要取得良好的努力 / 效益比率


古典组织理论的主要代表人物是( )

古典组织理论的主要代表人物是( ) A. 巴纳德 B. 法约尔 C. 韦伯 D. 泰罗 E. 梅奥
