单选题:根据材料,回答题:Technology has been an encouragement of historical

Technology has been an encouragement of historical change. It acted as such a force in Eng-land beginning in the eighteenth century, and across the entire Western World in the nineteenth.Rapid advances were made in the use of scientific findings in the manufacture (制造) of goods,which has changed ideas about work. One of the first changes was that other forms of energy havetaken the place of human power. Along with this came the increased use of machines to manufac-ture products in less time.
People also developed machines that could produce the same parts for a product: each nail wasexactly like every other nail, meaning that each nail could be changed for every other nail. Thismeans that goods could be mass produced, though mass production required breaking productiondown into smaller and smaller tasks.
Once this was done, workers no longer started on the product and labored to complete it. In-stead, they might work only one thousandth of it, other workers completing their own parts in cer-tain order. There is nothing strange about this manufacturing work by today’s standards. Highlyskilled workers were unable to compare with the new production techniques, as mass production al-lowed goods of high standard to be produced in greater number than could ever be done by hand.But the skilled worker wasn’t the only loser, the common workers lost too. Similar changes forcedfarmers away. The increased mechanization(机械化) of agriculture freed masses of workers fromploughing the land and harvesting its crops. They had little choice but to stream toward the rapidlydeveloping industrial centers. Increasingly, standards were set by machines. Workers no longerowned their own tools, their skill was no longer valued, and pride in their work was no longer pos-sible. Workers fed, looked after and repaired the machines that could work faster than humans atgreatly reduced cost.

In this passage, which of the following is NOT considered as a change caused by the use of scientific findings in the production of goods? A.Other forms of energy have taken the place of human power.
B.The increased exploitation of workers in the 19th century.
C.The increased use of machines to make products in less time.
D.The use of machines producing parts of the same standard.


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