单选题:回答题Most people have had a dog or wanted one as meir companio

Most people have had a dog or wanted one as meir companion at s0Ⅱle time in meir liVes.If you are tlliIlking of buying a d09,howeVer,you should first decide what son of companion you need and whether me dog is likely to be happy in your house.specialists’(专家)adVice is useful to help you choose me most suitable kind of dog. But in pan me decision depends on common
Different dogs were developed to perforn specific tasks. So,if you want a dog to protect youor your house,for example,you should choose the one that has tlle right size and characteristics·You must also be ready to devote(投入)a great deal of time to training me dog when it is youngaIld give it me exercise it needs throughout its life,unless you liVe in me countr),side aIld call let itmn freely.
Dogs are demanding pets.Cats love tlle house and so are satisfactor)r with meir place wherethere is secure,but a dog is loyal to its master and consequently wallts him to show pmof of hisaffection.The first consideration in buying a dog is whemer me dog is likely to be h叩py in mesurroundings you can provide. ne best tirne to buy a baby dog is when it is between 6 and 8weeks old so that it can transfer its love from its momer to its master.If baby dogs haVe not estab-lished a relationship with the human being until they are over mree months old,their strong rela-tionship will always be winl dogs.They are likely to be too shy when mey are brought out into meworld to become good pets·

which of tlle following is NoT TRuE according to the passage? A.You can always get help from me specialists.
B.It is common sense that is the most important when choosing a dog.
C.You should decide what kind of dog you want.
D.size and characteristics of me dogs should be considered too.


对借款人的限制包括(  )。

对借款人的限制包括(  )。A.不得向贷款人的上级反映有关情况 B.不得在国家规定之外使用贷款从事股本权益性投资 C.不得套取贷款用于借贷牟取非法收入 D.不得


对于洗钱者而言的保密天堂通常具有下列特征(  )。

对于洗钱者而言的保密天堂通常具有下列特征(  )。A.有严格的公司法 B.不允许建立空壳公司 C.有严格的公司保密法 D.有宽松的金融规则


行政处分包括(  )。

行政处分包括(  )。A.警告 B.撤职 C.记大过 D.降级


以依法可以转让的股票出质的,出质人与质权人应当订立书面合同,并向证券登记机构办理出质登记。质押合同自(  )起生效。

以依法可以转让的股票出质的,出质人与质权人应当订立书面合同,并向证券登记机构办理出质登记。质押合同自(  )起生效。A.合同签订之日 B.登记之日 C.登记之日



《破产法》规定,企业法人不能清偿到期债务,并且资产不足以清偿全部债务或者明显缺乏清偿能力的,可以向人民法院提出的申请不包括(  )。A.免偿部分债务 B.重整
