[单选题] (4.0分)The phrase "hit the road" in the secon

[单选题] (4.0分)The phrase "hit the road" in the second paragraph probably means ___


[单选题] (4.0分)What is the author.s attitude towards

[单选题] (4.0分)What is the author.s attitude towards immigration to New York?A、Nega


22Try to have a real ________ of the course. Havin

22Try to have a real ________ of the course. Having it on your record doesn.t me


27When climbing the hill, John was knocked unconsc

27When climbing the hill, John was knocked unconscious by an ________ rolling st


31She is very ________ to ring me tonight. I can s

31She is very ________ to ring me tonight. I can sense that.(1.0分)1.0 分A、liableB


When are you going on holiday? ____________.(1.0分)

When are you going on holiday? ____________.(1.0分)1.0 分A、Not until next weekB、Th


________in Beijing for quite a few years, Mr. Park

________in Beijing for quite a few years, Mr. Park had little difficulty underst


29It is ________ that all students will need to co

29It is ________ that all students will need to complete a University Registrati


38--- Do you mind if I smoke here? ---____________

38--- Do you mind if I smoke here? ---____________.(1.0分)1.0 分A、That’s all right


30His inability to learn foreign languages was a(n

30His inability to learn foreign languages was a(n) ________to his career.(1.0分)


________ inspected this radio should have put its

________ inspected this radio should have put its work permit number on the box.


The secret agent concealed his real mission, so ma

The secret agent concealed his real mission, so many local people were ________


28--- What’s the matter with you? ---____________.

28--- What’s the matter with you? ---____________.(1.0分)1.0 分A、It doesn’t matter


39A ________ is helpful in looking for a job, but

39A ________ is helpful in looking for a job, but it doesn.t mean a job.(1.0分)1.


32I’m afraid that there isn’t ________ for you in

32I’m afraid that there isn’t ________ for you in my car.(1.0分)1.0 分A、placeB、sea


How do I get to the cinema? ____________.(1.0分)1.0

How do I get to the cinema? ____________.(1.0分)1.0 分A、It’s very farB、Yes, there


If workers had been paid decent wages, profits ___

If workers had been paid decent wages, profits ________ so great(1.0分)1.0 分A、wou


12One of the most ________ way of improving listen

12One of the most ________ way of improving listening comprehension is by watchi


Airline personnel (员工) can buy _____ tickets at re

Airline personnel (员工) can buy _____ tickets at reduced prices.(1.0分)1.0 分A、busB


1 What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciat

1  What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one  1   there are as


34I owe a _______ of thanks to George because his

34I owe a _______ of thanks to George because his support helped me overcome tha


Sean.s strong love for his country is ________ in

Sean.s strong love for his country is ________ in his recently published poems.


21The teacher’s lecture on American history was th

21The teacher’s lecture on American history was three hours long, and Morris fel


14________ that my head had cleared, my brain was

14________ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much be


17In terms of education systems, one cannot say th

17In terms of education systems, one cannot say that one system in one country i
