The men came to ______ the rubbish from the backya

The men came to ______ the rubbish from the backyard.( )(本题5.0分)


The team enjoyed a high reputation for having had

The team enjoyed a high reputation for having had five ______ victories in the W


University students ______ 50% of the store’s cust

University students ______ 50% of the store’s customers.( )(本题5.0分)


The ______ of the picture on our television isn’t

The ______ of the picture on our television isn’t very good.( )(本题5.0分)


It will be more ______ to take public transport th

It will be more ______ to take public transport than to drive one’s own car.( )(


A number of ______ buyers have expressed interest

A number of ______ buyers have expressed interest in the company.( )(本题5.0分)


She ______ work at 7:30 every morning.( )(本题5.0分)

She ______ work at 7:30 every morning.( )(本题5.0分)


The bus ______ passengers outside the airport.( )(

The bus ______ passengers outside the airport.( )(本题5.0分)


Many people cannot even afford basic ______ such a

Many people cannot even afford basic ______ such as food and clothing.( )(本题5.0分


How can you ______ and let him treat his dog like

How can you ______ and let him treat his dog like that?( )(本题5.0分)


A recent photograph should be ______ to your appli

A recent photograph should be ______ to your application form.( )(本题5.0分)


The love and support of his family ______ him duri

The love and support of his family ______ him during his difficult times.( )(本题5


Police ______ that she had some connection with th

Police ______ that she had some connection with the robbery.( )(本题5.0分)


The boy finally chose to ______ history at Harvard

The boy finally chose to ______ history at Harvard.( )(本题5.0分)


The children ______ more to her than anything else

The children ______ more to her than anything else in the world.( )(本题5.0分)


She ______ from Oxford to London every day.( )(本题5

She ______ from Oxford to London every day.( )(本题5.0分)


Education should be ______ to the child’s needs.(

Education should be ______ to the child’s needs.( )(本题5.0分)


His father was ______ in thought and did not hear

His father was ______ in thought and did not hear the door open.( )(本题5.0分)


Could you give me a ______ reason why I am not all

Could you give me a ______ reason why I am not allowed to accept that scholarshi


19. His father was ______ in thought and did not h

19. His father was ______ in thought and did not hear the door open.( )(本题5.0分)


18. The boy finally chose to ______ history at Har

18. The boy finally chose to ______ history at Harvard.( )(本题5.0分) A、 major in B


17. The children ______ more to her than anything

17. The children ______ more to her than anything else in the world.( )(本题5.0分)


20. How can you ______ and let him treat his dog l

20. How can you ______ and let him treat his dog like that?( )(本题5.0分) A、 stand


2. The love and support of his family ______ him d

2. The love and support of his family ______ him during his difficult times.( )(


7. It will be more ______ to take public transport

7. It will be more ______ to take public transport than to drive one’s own car.(
