Mary ________ show us her new dictionary . ( )A A. has asked toB B. was asked to
Tom ______ to America with his parents. They_____
Tom ______ to America with his parents. They_____ back in two weeks.( )A A. have
My father will have a ______ holiday next month.
My father will have a ______ holiday next month. He’ll take me to Qing dao. ( )
高压电网中,影响有功功率流动方向的主要因素是( )。
高压电网中,影响有功功率流动方向的主要因素是( )。A 两端电压差B 线路电压损耗C 线路功率损耗D 两端电压相位角
-We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.( )-Wh
-We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.( )-What _____ to her?A A. was happe
—Hi, Tom! Can you tell me when ______ for London?
—Hi, Tom! Can you tell me when ______ for London? ( )—Yes, tomorrow afternoon.A
----Are you learning music now in your free time ?
----Are you learning music now in your free time ? ( )----No. I’ve stopped _____
同一型号的架空三相输电线,相间距离增大其线路对地电容( )
同一型号的架空三相输电线,相间距离增大其线路对地电容( )A 增大B 减小C 不变D 无法确定
35kV以上的线路要按( )选择导线截面。
35kV以上的线路要按( )选择导线截面。A 电压损耗B 经济电流密度C 机械强度D 电晕
无限大功率电源供电系统发生三相短路,短路电流的非周期分量的衰减速度( )
无限大功率电源供电系统发生三相短路,短路电流的非周期分量的衰减速度( )A ABC三相相同B BC两相相同C AB两相相同D AC两相相同
下列选项中,( )不是中低压配电网的特点。
下列选项中,( )不是中低压配电网的特点。A 电压低B 线路短C 输送功率小D 线路长
公司章程对( )具有普遍的约束力
公司章程对( )具有普遍的约束力A 公司B 股东C 董事D 监事
我国公务员交流的原则包括(A 依法进行B 适才适用C 个人服从组织D 合理原则E 强制原则
消弧线圈采用全补偿,当系统发生单相接地时,可能会使系统( )
消弧线圈采用全补偿,当系统发生单相接地时,可能会使系统( )A 产生谐振B 失去稳定C 保护误动D 接地电流增加
He arrived____ London ____ a cold winter night.( )
He arrived____ London ____ a cold winter night.( )A A. at; atB B. in; onC C. in;
担任领导职务的公务员,因健康原因而提出的辞职是( )
担任领导职务的公务员,因健康原因而提出的辞职是( )A 因公辞职B 自愿辞职C 责令辞职D 引咎辞职
三相短路的短路电流只包含( )
三相短路的短路电流只包含( )A 正序分量B 负序分量C 零序分量D 反分量
I don’t understand ____ believe him.( )
I don’t understand ____ believe him.( )A A. why don’t youB B. why you notC C. w
How long have you____? ( )
How long have you____? ( )A A. marriedB B. be marriedC C. got marriedD D. been m
I think____ important to learn English well.( )
I think____ important to learn English well.( )A A. thisB B. thatC C. itD D. you
—What do you think of the dress? ( )—Wonderful. I
—What do you think of the dress? ( )—Wonderful. I don’t think I can find a one.A
实践的主体是( )
实践的主体是( )A A. 绝对精神B B. 具有思维能力、从事社会实践和认识活动的人C C. 人D D. 人的意识
《坛经》“时有风吹幡动,----僧曰风动,---僧曰幡动,议论不已。惠能进曰:不是风动,不是幡动,仁者心动”。惠能关于运动的观点是(A A. 运动是物质之根本属
Here is a piece of advice on how to learn English
Here is a piece of advice on how to learn English well. ______ it, please. ( )A
—Mom, can I leave my homework for tomorrow? ( )—I’
—Mom, can I leave my homework for tomorrow? ( )—I’m afraid not. Don’t what you c