选择题:London Summer School in Classics

London Summer School in Classics


  The London Summer School in Classics 2008 will be held at King’s College London. It will run from 8th July until 17th July. Applications close on 2nd June, 2008.

  For an application form, please download either the 2-page PDF or the word format document from the foot of the page.

  If you have any problems downloading the application form or any questions, please contact: London Summer School in Classics, King’s College London.

  Tel: 020 7848 2299

  Fax: 020 7848 2545


  The school is organized by the colleges of the University of London. The summer school offers eight days of intensive teaching in Greek and Latin. There are four language classes each day as well as lectures and a debate, between 10:30 am and 4:30 pm. The course is not residential (提供住宿的), and there is no teaching during the weekend of 12th to 13th July.

  The fee is £85.00. Travel grants (旅行补助金) are available as a contribution to your travel costs, but may not cover all your expenses. The travel grants are arranged during the summer school.

  Teaching is generally in groups of 12-15 people and it, as far as possible, comprises (包含) of students of roughly the same level of experience. The style of teaching is friendly, but demanding: a lot of work is expected from students during the school, but they usually find the whole


空间两力偶作用在刚体上,彼此等效的条件是A A.二力偶矩矢量的大小相等B B.二力偶矩矢量的方向相同C C.二力偶矩矢量的大小相等,方向相反D D.二力偶矩矢量



对于胡克定律,以下说法哪个是正确的?A A.轴向变形与轴向载荷成正比,与杆的长度成正比,与杆的截面面积成反比。B B.轴向变形与轴向载荷成正比,与杆的长度成反比
