单选题:回答题:Text 1In January l995,the world witnessed the emergence

Text 1
In January l995,the world witnessed the emergence of a new international economic order with the launching of the World Trade Organization.The WT0,which succeeds the GATF,is expected to strengthen the world trading system and to be more effective than the GATr in governing international trade in goods and services in many aspects.
First,trade liberalization all over the world is expected to increase via the dramatic reductions in trade barriers to which the members of the WTO are commitred.Under the WT0,members are required to reduce their tariff and non-tariffs on manufacturing goods.In addition,protecting domestic agricultural sectors from foreign competition will become
awfully difficult in the new WTO system.
Second,Iules and regulations goveming international trade will be more strongly enforced.Under the old systern of the GATT,there were many cases where trade measures,such as anti—dumping and countervailing duties,
were intentionally used solely for protectionist reasons.The WT0’S strengthened rules and regulations will signifi cantly reduce the abusing of such trade measures by its member countries.The WTO is also equipped with all improved dispute settlement mechanism.Accordingly,we expect to see a more effective resolution of trade disputes among the member countries in this new trade environment.
Third.new multilateral rules have been established to cover areas which the GATF did not address.such as in.
temational trade in services and the protection of intellectual property rights.There still remain a number of problems that need to be resolved before international trade in services call be completely hberalized,and newly-developed ide.
as or technologies ale fairly compensated.However,just the establishment of multilateral rules in these new areas is a distinguished contribution to the progress toward a global free trade system.
Along witll the launching of the WT0.this new era in world trade is characterized by a change in the structure of the world economy.Today,a world-wide market for goods and services is rapidly replacing a world economy composed of relatively isolated national markets.Domestic financial markets have been integrated into a truly global system,and the multinational corporation is becoming a principal mechanism for allocating investment capital and determining the location of production sites throughout much of the world.
Between WTO and GATT________. A.WTO and GATr govern the intemational trade at the same time
B.WTO is the pre—existence of GATT
C.GATT is the pre—existence of WTO
D.GATr is more effective than WTO in some aspects


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下列(  )的抵押权自抵押合同生效之时设立。A.生产设备、原材料、半成品、产品 B.交通运输工具 C.建筑物和其他土地附着物 D.正在建造的船舶、航空器 E.建


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根据企业破产法的规定,关于债权人会议决议和债权人权利,下列表述中正确的有(  )A.债权人必须亲自参加债权人会议,不得委托代理人出席债权人会议 B.债权人会议的


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根据行政复议受案范围,下列(  )不属于可以申请行政复议的。A.甲对有关行政机关暂扣其律师资格证的行政行为不服 B.乙对有关行政机关冻结其银行存款的行政行为不服


期货交易有专门的清算机构——结算所,结算所清算实行(  )。

期货交易有专门的清算机构——结算所,结算所清算实行(  )。 A.每日限价制度 B.逐日盯市制度 C.限仓制度 D.保证金制度



一般来说,董事会更偏重于目前利益,希望得到比其他投资形式更高的投资收益;股东更偏重于公司的财务状况和长远发展,希望保留足够的现金扩大投资或用于其他用途。(  )
