The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actionsso com 分类:专八 题型:简答题 查看答案
Who is called "father of English and European novels"? Who is called "father of English and European novels"?A.Mark Twain B.Daniel Defo 分类:专八 题型:简答题 查看答案
下列关于停业的税务管理,表述正确的是( )。 下列关于停业的税务管理,表述正确的是( )。A.定期定额征收方式的个体工商户停业期不得超过半年 B.若停业期间发生经营行为时,不需要申报缴纳税款 C.纳税人办 分类:专八 题型:简答题 查看答案
Many Americans were against Obama's plan about changing the Many Americans were against Obama's plan about changing the American health care 分类:专八 题型:简答题 查看答案
下列哪项不属于计算机病毒造成的系统异常症状( )。 下列哪项不属于计算机病毒造成的系统异常症状( )。A.计算机系统的蜂鸣器出现异常声响 B.计算机系统经常无故发生死机现象 C.系统不识别硬盘 D.扬声器没有声 分类:专八 题型:简答题 查看答案