单选题:根据以下内容回答题:Nonverbal(非语言的)communication has to do with gestu

Nonverbal(非语言的)communication has to do with gestures,movements and closeness
of two people when they are talkin9.The scientists say that those gestures,movements and so on have meaning which words do not carry.
For example,the body distance between two speakers can be important.North Americans often complain that South Americans are unfriendly because they tend to stand close to the North American when speakin9,while the South American often considers the North American to be“cold”or“distant”because he keeps a greater distance between himself and the person he is speaking to.The“eye contact”provides another example of wha.t we aye calling nonverbal communication.Scientists have observed that there is more eye contact between people who like each other than there is between people who don’t like each other.The length of time that the person whom you are speaking to looks at your eyes indicates the amount of interest he has in the things you are talking about.
On the other hand,too long a gaze can make people uncomfortable.The eyes apparently play a great part in nonverbal communication.Genuine warmth or interest,shyness or confi-dence can often be.seen in the eyes.We do not always consider a smile to be a sign of friendli-ness.Someone who is always smilin9,and with little apparent reasons,often makes US uneasy.
According to the passage,nonverbal communication__________ . A.is a method often used by people who cannot speak
B.can tell something that words cannot
C.can be used to talk with people who cannot bear
D.is less used than words


Stage two conflict is different from stage one conflict in

Stage two conflict is different from stage one conflict in that__________ .A.it


资产组合的信用风险通常应(  )单个资产信用风险的加总。

资产组合的信用风险通常应(  )单个资产信用风险的加总。A.大于 B.小于 C.等于 D.无关


客户信用评级的发展过程是(  )。

客户信用评级的发展过程是(  )。A.违约概率模型—专家判断法—信用评分法 B.信用风险模型—专家判断法—违约概率模型 C.专家判断法—信用评分法—违约概率模型


承包人应在收到发包人指令后的(  )内,伺发包人提交现场签证报告。

承包人应在收到发包人指令后的(  )内,伺发包人提交现场签证报告。A.24小时 B.48小时 C.5天 D.7天



先求出已有同类企业主要设备投资占全部建设投资的比例系数,然后再估算出拟建项目的主要设备投资,最后按比例系数求出拟建项目的建设投资。这种估算方法称(  )。A.设
