简答题:题号:05 科目:英语阅读理解(分两节,共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。The d

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题号:05 科目:英语 阅读理解(分两节,共5小题;每小题2分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。 The day before a long flight you are hurrying through last-minute chores and errands,packing and reading guide books.Then,on the plane ,you have several drinks with dinner and stay up late watching the movie.After a brief nap ,it’s time for breakfast and a morning arrival in,let’s say,Paris or Rome.Adrenaline(肾上腺素)flowing,you spend the entire day sightseeing and taking pictures .By evening,exhaustion has set in,and the next morning,you can hardly wake up before noon . Most people who travel by air across multiple time zones fall victim to this trouble of modem air travel .They may suffer from any of a number of unpleasant symptoms ,including sleeplessness,fatigue(疲劳),sickness,and sleepiness. Acording to Dr.Harriet Minsky,professor of psychology at Montreal University,the symptoms of jet lag(飞行时差反应)vary from person to person ,and also vary according to how far a traveler has flown Recovery from jet lag also varies Dr.Minsky points out that there are three primary causes of jet lag,and of these,two are avoidable.First,people often wear themselves out getting ready for a trip,so they are already exhausted when they get on the plane.Second,long-distance travelers often have a couple of drinks to pass the time.The alcohol can cause a stomach upset and disturb their sleep. The third and unavoidable cause of jet lag is the fact that long distance air travel upsets your internal biological clock.Dr.Alvin Lacy,chief of general medicine at Northern Medical College,explains that our inner clock controls our cycle of sleeping and waking. Without them,the brain tends to set its biological clock to a longer day.This means that,for most travelers,the effects of jet lag are less severe on trips toward the west,because the travel is following the sun.In traveling toward the east,the body must adjust by shortening its day,going against the body's natural tendency.This explains why trips from west to east often result in greater suffering from jet lag. For example,Mnight owls,M people who are usually most alert and lively late at night,are less likelytofeeltheeffectsofjetlag.Intermsofpersonalitytypes,extroverts(peoplewhoaresociableandliketobeingroups)tendtosufferlessthanintroverts. Manypeoplebelievethattheremustbesomequickandeasycuresforjetag-fromvitamins(维生素)tospecialdiets, but researchhas shown thatnoneoftheseareveryeffective.However,Dr.Minskytellstravelersthatiftheyfollowcertaincommonsensestrategies,theywillovercomejetlagmorequickly. 第一节根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D和E中选出最适合填人短文空白处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。
A.JetlaghastakenholD. B.Expertsrecommendwaystoescapetheeffectsofjetlag. C.Individualsarenotallaffectedtothesamedegreebyjetlag. D.Thebrainlakessignalsfromtheamountoflightandotherfeaturesintheenvironment.
E.Somesufferersfeelbettergraduallywhileothersfeelbetteronsomedaysandworseonotherdays. 第二节根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下面的问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。 ⑤AccordingtoParagraph7,whoarelesslikelytosufferfromjetlag?

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行政执法人员在水上当场收缴的罚款,应当自( )起( )日内交至行政机关。行政机关应当在2 日内将罚款缴付指定的银行。





上年中的中央拨款约为多少亿元?( )

上年中的中央拨款约为多少亿元?( )A.657 B.608 C.625 D.591



义务警员:警察A.小偷:模范 B.狮子:小羊 C.肖像:装饰 D.死刑:刑罚


甲、乙二人同时同地绕400米的循环形跑道同向而行,甲每秒钟跑8米,乙每秒钟跑9米,多少秒后甲、乙二人第三次相遇?( )

甲、乙二人同时同地绕400米的循环形跑道同向而行,甲每秒钟跑8米,乙每秒钟跑9米,多少秒后甲、乙二人第三次相遇?( )A.400 B.800 C.1200 D.
