单选题:Having no language, infants cannot be told what they need to

  • 题目分类:英语
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
Having no language, infants cannot be told what they need to learn. Yet by the age of three they will have mastered the basic structure of their native language and will be well on their way to communicative competence. Acquiring their language is a most impressive intellectual feat. Studies of how children learn language generally agree that the most remarkable aspect of this feat is the rapid acquisition of grammar. Nevertheless, the ability of children to conform to grammatical rules is only slightly more wonderful than their ability to learn words. It has been reckoned that the average high school graduate in the United States has a reading vocabulary of 80,000 words, which includes idiomatic expressions and proper names of people and places. This vocabulary must have been learned over a period of 16 years. From the figures,it can be calculated that the average child learns at a rate of about 3 new words per day. Clearly a learning process of great complexity goes on at a rapid rate in children.
What is the main subject of the passage? A.Language acquisition in children.
B.Teaching languages to children.
C.How to memorize words.
D.Communicating with infants.


第25答案是(  )

第25答案是(  )A.because of B.instead of C.by D.with


第24答案是(  )

第24答案是(  )A.passing B.Doing C.carrying D.Sending


常用来做低温深冷工程的管道,在多种腐蚀介质中具有较高的稳定性,且其纯度越高,耐腐蚀性越强的金属是(  )。

常用来做低温深冷工程的管道,在多种腐蚀介质中具有较高的稳定性,且其纯度越高,耐腐蚀性越强的金属是(  )。A.铁 B.铝 C.镍 D.钛


锅炉用水处理方法中,锅内加药处理的特点包括(  )。

锅炉用水处理方法中,锅内加药处理的特点包括(  )。A.投资小、成本低 B.对环境污染小 C.能够完全防止锅炉内结生水垢 D.适用于高硬度水质


应急照明灯具,运行中温度大于(  )℃的灯具,当靠近可燃物时,应采取隔热、散热等防火措施。

应急照明灯具,运行中温度大于(  )℃的灯具,当靠近可燃物时,应采取隔热、散热等防火措施。A.45 B.60 C.75 D.90
