选择题:1、 A.请将该段落译成汉语。 There are three main groups of oil

1、 A.请将该段落译成汉语。 There are three main groups of oils: animal, vegetable and mineral. Great quantities of animal oil come from whales, those enormous creatures of the sea which are the largest remaining animals in the world. To protect the whale from the cold of the Arctic seas, nature has provided it with a thick covering of fat called blubber. When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down, either on board ship or on shore. It produces a great quantity of oil which can be made into food for human consumption. A few other creatures yield oil, but none so much as the whale. The livers of the cod and the halibut, two kinds of fish, yield nourishing oil. Both cod liver oil and halibut liver oil are given to sick children and other invalids who need certain vitamins. These oils may be bought at any chemist’s. [ 15 分 ]


江珊同学每周都对自己的学习情况作出小结,分析自己在学习上取得的进步,找出自己的薄弱环节。他这种行为属于( )。 [ 2 分 ]A.自我认识B.自我反省C.自我体


在创建面域时,除了可以使用“( )”命令,还可以使用 边界 命令

在创建面域时,除了可以使用“( )”命令,还可以使用 边界 命令
