单选题:根据下列文章,请回答题。Medical Educationin 18th centurycolonial America

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根据下列文章,请回答题。Medical Educationin 18th centurycolonial America。those who wanted to become physicians either learned aspersonal students from established professionals or went abroad to study in thetraditional schools of London。Paris,and Edinburgh.Medicine was first taught formallyby specialists at the University of Pennsylvania。beginning in 1765,and in 1767 atKing’s College(now Columbia University),the first institution in the coloniesto give the degree of doctor of medicine.Following the American Revolution,theColumbia medical faculty(formerly of King’s College)was combined with theCollege of Physicians and Surgeons,chartered in l 809,which survives as adivision of Columbia University.
In 1893 the JohnsHopkins Medicaid School required all applicants to have a college degree andwas the first to afford its students the opportunity to further their trainingin an attached teaching hospital.The growth of medical schools attached withestablished institutions of learning went together with the development ofproprietary(私营的) schools of medicine run for personal profit,most of which hadlow standards and poor facilities.In 1910 Abraham Flexner, the Americaneducation reformer wrote Medical Education in the United States and Canada,exposingthe poor conditions of most proprietary schools.Subsequently, the AmericanMedical Association(AMA)and the Association of American MedicalColleges(AAMC)laid.down standards for course content,qualifications of teachers,laboratoryfacilities,connection with teaching hospitals,and licensing of medicalpractitioners(开业医师)that survive to this day.
By the late 1980sthe U.S.and Canada had 1424.very medical colleges recognized by the Liaison(联络)Committeeon Medical Education to offer the M.D.degree;during the 1987—88 academicyear,47,262 men and 25,686 women entered these colleges and an estimated 11,752men and 5,958 women were graduated.Graduates。after a year of internship(实习期)。receivelicenses to practice if they pass an examination given either by a state boardor by the National Board of Medical Examiners.In 18th—centuryAmerica.Higher institutions of learning that taught medicine A.didnot exis
B.were few in numbe
C.werebetter than those in Europe
D.wereknown for their teaching hospital

最早的教学过程思想即学、思、行统一的观点,其提出者是( )。

最早的教学过程思想即学、思、行统一的观点,其提出者是( )。A.孔子 B.昆体良 C.杜威 D.夸美纽斯


比较的形式主要有   和   。

比较的形式主要有   和   。





组成课程计划的主要内容是( )。

组成课程计划的主要内容是( )。A.学科设置 B.学科顺序 C.课时分配 D.学年编制 E.学周安排


人们在保持知识时采用各种记忆术,实际是应用了记忆的( )。

人们在保持知识时采用各种记忆术,实际是应用了记忆的( )。A.精加工策略 B.多重编码 C.过度学习 D.人为增加线索
