单选题:根据下列材料,回答问题。Text 4

Text 4
As time goes on, how to do good critical thinking is increasingly marginalized or even left out of the modem educational process.Critical thinking involves a mental process that is highly disciplined and therefore requires most practitioners to be trained in it.This training is best begun in the formative years, and it is best taught by energetic, motivated teachers who continually challenge, and debate, and demand increasingly rigorous thinking of their young students.However, as in all things, it is never too late to begin.
Critical thinking is the process of evaluating and analyzing a proposition or an argument that has been offered to the thinker, for criticism, as being true.There follows a process of reasoning, evaluation of the offered evidence, and reflection, always begun from a point of skepticism.A proper critique of the offered argument involves more than direct observation.Besides reasoning, cognition and experience, proper critical thinking also involves intellectual values that go beyond the specific argument or object being critically examined.
These intellectual values involve objective truth.Objective truth is that truth which comes from somewhere outside of our minds.Subjective truth is that truth which comes from within us; that which we feel, or sense, or believe to be true.Objective truth stands alone, and does not depend upon us to remain true; it's completely independent of the mind of man.No matter what we think a-bout it, how we think about it, or even if we think about it, objective truth remains objective truth, unchanged, and impervious.Objective truth must always be taken into consideration in order to do good critical thinking.
There are different forms of objective truth, ranging from solid to ephemeral.In the "hard science" fields, such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, the most recognized objective truths involve proven mathematical formulae, or recognized scientific laws, or widely recognized and as yet unrefuted scientific theories.These "hard" objective truths are taken by the critical thinker to be axioms or givens, and thus, useful tools to help in the critical thinking process.The process thereby builds upon a foundation of previously proven truth.No matter how technically advanced we ever become, we are all, individually and collectively, called to think about things.It is our human nature.
It is suggested that the training of critical thinking in the formative years is best conducted by teachers A.because it requires well-organized mental activity.
B.because it has been stressed in modern education.
C.who marginalize the traditional idea of education.
D.who can direct students towards rigorous thinking.


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