选择题:Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t l

Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. you can’t open the window. You can’t choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city. I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train you can catch another one .you can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time. I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road. (请根据上述段落回答第11-15题)1. Why do many people like to travel by plane?(单选)—5分
A Because it is fast.
B Because it is safe.
C Because you can walk around in the plane.

采用分裂导线,使得线路电感( )(本题1.0分)A、 不变B、 增大C、 减小D、 无法确定

采用分裂导线,使得线路电感( )(本题1.0分)A、 不变B、 增大C、 减小D、 无法确定


不属于慢性疼痛的特点为( )A.常突然发生B.有明确开始时间C.持续时间短暂D.临床较难控制

不属于慢性疼痛的特点为( )A.常突然发生B.有明确开始时间C.持续时间短暂D.临床较难控制


频率的二次调整是( )(本题1.0分)A、 发电机组的调速系统完成的B、 负荷的频率特性来完成的C、

频率的二次调整是( )(本题1.0分)A、 发电机组的调速系统完成的B、 负荷的频率特性来完成的C、 发电机组的调频系统完成的D、 功率确定的
