单选题:Which of the following is the author's opinion about the wom

Which of the following is the author's opinion about the woman at the Global Support Centre? A.She sounded helpful and knowledgeabl
B.She was there to make callers frustrate
C.She was able to solve her computer proble
D.She was quick to pass her along to a technicia

What does the author mean by "better off" ( Line 4, Paragrap

What does the author mean by "better off" ( Line 4, Paragraph 3 ) ?A.Riche B.Wis


·has the best engine design in terms of saving money?

·has the best engine design in terms of saving money?


Which planet do people think is the most important one?

Which planet do people think is the most important one?


John thinks that if people give up some traditional ideas, e

John thinks that if people give up some traditional ideas, every child will have
