将下列程序中的空白部分填充完整。 程序功能:查找4*4矩阵中最大元素值及其下标,并输出查找结果。 clear dime a(4,4) for k=1 to 16 a(k)=rand() *100 endfor max=a(1,1) for i=1 to 4 for j=1 to 4 if a(i,j)>max max=a(i,j) row=i col= j endif endfor endfor ?"row=",row,"col=",col,"max=",max
27. _______ this was the truth.(本题3.0分) A、 To some
27. _______ this was the truth.(本题3.0分) A、 To some extension B、 By some extensio