单选题:根据下列材料,请回答题This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions

This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45. Between 1977 and 1981, three groups of American women, numbering 27 in all, between the age of 35 and.
65, were given month-long tests to determine how they would respond to conditions resembling those aboard the space shuttle.
Though carefully selected from among many applicants, the women were volunteers and the pay was barely above the minimum wage. They were not allowed to smoke or drink alcohol during the tests, and they were expected to tolerate each others company at close quarters for the entire period. Among other things they had to stand pressure three times the force of gravity and carry out both physical and mental tasks whole exhausted from strenuous physical exercise. At the end of ten days, they had to spend a further twenty days absolutely confined to bed, during which time they suffered backaches and other discomforts, and when they were finally allowed up, the more physically active women were especially subject to pain due to a slight calcium loss.
Results of the tests suggest that women will have significant advantages over man in space. They need less food and less oxygen and they stand up to radiation better. Men' s advantages in terms of strength and stamina, meanwhile, are virtually wiped out by the zero-gravity condition in space.
What were those American women tested for during the whole month? A.For the selection of the responsible persons.
B.For the condition of different group of the women.
C.To see if they were suitable for the space work.
D.To see how they would react to conditions like those aboard the space shuttle.


(三)阅读杜甫《蜀相》这首诗,然后回答1~3小题。 丞相祠堂何处寻? 锦官城外柏森森。 映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音。

(三)阅读杜甫《蜀相》这首诗,然后回答1~3小题。 丞相祠堂何处寻? 锦官城外柏森森。 映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音。 三顾频烦天下计,两朝开济老臣心。


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李煜《虞美人》“雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改”的言外之意是( ) A.岁月流逝,青春不再 B.江山易主,物是人非 C.美景依旧,故人已老 D.故国宫殿,令人牵挂


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