理财规划师为了能更好的为客户制定汽车消费规划.应了解有关汽车消费贷款的知识.汽车消费贷款期限一般不超过(  )年。

理财规划师为了能更好的为客户制定汽车消费规划.应了解有关汽车消费贷款的知识.汽车消费贷款期限一般不超过(  )年。


As stipulated in the UCP 600.an L/C remains valid until the

As stipulated in the UCP 600.an L/C remains valid until the 21 st day after the


If the expiry date or presentation period falls on a day whe

If the expiry date or presentation period falls on a day when the bank is closed
