单选题:Questions refer to the following article.Ocean Park Hong K

Questions refer to the following article.
Ocean Park Hong Kong is a theme park in the Southern District of Hong Kong Island.Thepark was built with donations from the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club (now Hong Kong JockeyClub) and opened on 10 January 1977.The park is operated by Ocean Park Corporation, which isa statutory department.It offers affordable marine animal education and entertainment and is a pri-vate organization for commercial purposes.
In the early operation of the park, the main sources of income for the park were the ticketprices and the funding from the Jockey Club.Since the ticket price was low, most of the time OceanPark was operating under deficit.In 1 July 1987, the government established a 200 million trustfrom the funding of Jockey Club, under the Ocean Park Corporation Ordinance.This separated OceanPark from Jockey Club and became a non-profit organization; it needs to be responsible for its ownincome and was allowed to use commercial means to operate the park.
Since it was permitted to use commercial means to operate, it gradually raised its ticket priceand the deficit turned into profit, In 1992,3 million visitors visited the park.Since 1998, the EastAsian financial crisis, aging attractions, and the passing away of the killer whale; the parkrecorded a deficit, for a couple years.Although it was allowed to host 2 pandas in 1999, the number of visitors did not go up and Ocean Park was forced to close its water attractions and the "Old Village" attraction and turned to bring in more rides in an attempt to capture the youth demand.Together with the opening up of mainland visitors under the Individual Visit Scheme, Ocean Parkrecorded an astonishing 4 million visitors in the year 2004--2005, the highest since the parkopened.
In March 2005, Ocean Park made its redevelopment plan.On 23 November 2006, Ocean
Park held a groundbreaking ceremony for its redevelopment.
At the beginning, Ocean Park Hong Kong___________. A.was built with the money from the government
B.was operated by Ocean Park Corporation
C.was a great success once it was opened
D.mainly got income from the ticket prices and donations


按照《建设工程质量保证金管理暂行办法》规定,工程建设中预留保证金的比例,下列说法正确的是(  )。

按照《建设工程质量保证金管理暂行办法》规定,工程建设中预留保证金的比例,下列说法正确的是(  )。 A.全部使用政府投资的建设项目,按合同价款5%左右预留 B


在正常使用条件下,以下关于建设工程最低保修期限的说法,符合《建设工程质量管理条例》规定的是(  )。

在正常使用条件下,以下关于建设工程最低保修期限的说法,符合《建设工程质量管理条例》规定的是(  )。 A.外墙面的防渗漏为5年 B.供热与供冷系统为2年 C.


《建设工程质量管理条例》中要求,施工单位向建设单位提交《工程质量保修书》时间是(  )。

《建设工程质量管理条例》中要求,施工单位向建设单位提交《工程质量保修书》时间是(  )。 A.工程竣工验收合格后 B.工程竣工同时 C.提交工程竣工验收报告时


工程质量监督机构对竣工验收实施的监督包括(  )。

工程质量监督机构对竣工验收实施的监督包括(  )。 A.验收程序是否合法 B.参加验收单位人员的资格是否符合要求 C.竣工验收资料是否齐全 D.实体质量是否存有


《建设项目环境保护管理条例》规定,需要进行试生产的建设项目,建设单位应当自建设项目投入试生产之日(  ),向审批该建设项

《建设项目环境保护管理条例》规定,需要进行试生产的建设项目,建设单位应当自建设项目投入试生产之日(  ),向审批该建设项目环境影响报告书、环境影响报告表或者环
