为股票发行出具审计报告、资产评估报告或者法律意见书等文件的专业机构和人员,在该股票承销期内和期满后( )内,不得买卖该 为股票发行出具审计报告、资产评估报告或者法律意见书等文件的专业机构和人员,在该股票承销期内和期满后( )内,不得买卖该种股票。 分类:会计电算化 题型:单选题 查看答案
用假学历、假证书等手段得以免试某些考试科目并取得会计从业资格证书的,由会计从业资格管理部门撤销其会计从业资格,收回证书, 用假学历、假证书等手段得以免试某些考试科目并取得会计从业资格证书的,由会计从业资格管理部门撤销其会计从业资格,收回证书,且( )年内不得再次参加会计从业资格考 分类:会计电算化 题型:单选题 查看答案
To relax himself before sleep, the writer often_____________ To relax himself before sleep, the writer often________________A. makes a bed B. 分类:会计电算化 题型:单选题 查看答案
I'm afraid there is not much (differ)________________in thei I'm afraid there is not much (differ)________________in their points of view. 分类:会计电算化 题型:单选题 查看答案
The policeman kept his eyes on the screen of the computer to The policeman kept his eyes on the screen of the computer to identify the crimin 分类:会计电算化 题型:单选题 查看答案