
A college education is not just preparation for a career, however. In addition to taking courses in their major field of study, students enroll in elective (选修的)courses. They may take classes that help them understand more about people, nature, government, or the arts. Well-rounded people are likely to be better citizens ,better parents and more interesting and interested individuals.
Although two-thirds of American high school graduates go on to study in college, recent highs chool graduates no longer dominate the college campuses. Adults of all ages return to the classroom, either for new vocational skills or for personal growth. In 1966, for example, almost 20% of American college students were over age 35. Some 500,000 college students are over 50. American faith in the value of education is exemplified by the rising number of Americans who have at least a bachelor's de-gree. Almost one-quarter of Americans over age 25 are college graduates. College attendance is not re-served for the wealthy and the academically talented. It is available to anyone who wants to go. Right now about 15 million students are taking advantage of the opportunity. For those not academically pre-pared to handle college-level work, about 80% of undergraduate schools offer remedial (sometimes called developmental)classes in reading, writing and math.
The U. S. has about 3,700 institutions of higher learning. About 1,600 of these are 2-yearschools. More than 2,000 are 4-year schools, many of which also have graduate programs. With so many colleges to choose from, how do prospective students find the right one for their needs? Information about schools is easy to obtain. Students can write for printed information and applications. Some schools even mail out video. Students can also use computer programs that allow them to specify particular interests and print out a list of schools that fit their description. Most institutions of higher learning also have web sites. Many schools send college representatives to high schools and two-year colleges to recruit students. Finally, many students visit colleges, take tours of campuses, and talk to counselors.
The word "well-rounded" in Paragraph 1 means__________ A.well developed in a range of aspects
B.rounded in shape or well developed
C.well planned and balanced
D.full, varied, and satisfying



生脉散的功用是 A.益气养阴,敛汗止咳 B.清暑益气,养阴生津 C.益气养阴,生津止渴 D.益气养阴,敛阴止汗 E.以上都不是



泻白散的功用是 A.泻肺清热,行气除满 B.泻肺清热,止咳平喘 C.泻肺清热,行气利水 D.泻肺清热,消食止泻 E.泻肺清热,化湿和中



炙甘草汤中桂枝、生姜的作用是 A.温经散寒 B.温肾暖脾 C.助阳化气 D.温阳利水 E.通阳复脉



当归在四物汤中的作用是 A.补血活血 B.滋阴养血 C.养血润燥 D.活血止痛 E.通痹止痛



胸腹胁肋满闷,咽中如有物阻,吞咽不下,治宜选 A.逍遥散 B.丹参饮 C.越鞠丸 D.金铃子散 E.半夏厚朴汤
