
  • 题目分类:英语四级
  • 题目类型:填空题
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  One of the genes that protects us from cancer may also help delay aging, according to a new study.
  The findings could also one day lead to new drugs that prevent or fight cancer while (36) healthy youth and life span, said Manuel Serrano, a researcher at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, who worked on the study.
  Serrano said researchers (37) engineered mice to have an extra copy of a key cancer-fighting gene called p53 and found it also played an important role in delaying aging.
"Everyone agrees that the aging is produced by the (38) of faulty cells, " Serrano said. "In other words, p53 delays aging for exactly the same reason that it prevents cancer. "
(39) cancer studies have shown that p53 can actually cause (40) aging symptoms by killing too many cells when it goes into (41) , but Serrano said his research strictly (42)
the gene so that it turned on only when needed.
  The gene did their (43) job of producing a protein that kills damaged cancer cells. But the researchers found that mice with an extra copy of the genes (44)"This is the first anti-cancer gene tested for its effect on aging, " Serrano said. "The mice lived 16 percent longer in their average life span. "
  The p53 gene, when working properly, (45)
  If the gene is mutated or inactivated the control mechanism does not work.
  Serrano also said that other research has shown that mice and worms that eat less have slower metabolisms and live longer. But his study offers evidence that (46)


市场经济对医学实践的作用决定了医学服务A.与市场机制相容 B.应该市场化 C.不能引入市场机制 D.必须有控制地引入市场机制 E.以上都不是



慢性边缘性骨髓炎如已明确骨质破坏的部位和范围,一般在病程多长时可施行病灶清除术A.1周以后 B.2~4周后 C.5~6周后 D.7~8周后 E.9~10周后


根据以下选项回答第题。A.表示某病发生的严重程度 B.反映两个指标的相对关系 C.反映某病在各疾病中所占的位次 D.反映

根据以下选项回答第题。A.表示某病发生的严重程度 B.反映两个指标的相对关系 C.反映某病在各疾病中所占的位次 D.反映同种病不同时间动态变化情况 E.反映同种
