判断题:演员个人应年满l8周岁(杂技演员可放宽至14周岁),并具有一定的业务基础知识和表演技能,方司申领演出证。( ) 题目分类:专业科目 题目类型:判断题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: 演员个人应年满l8周岁(杂技演员可放宽至14周岁),并具有一定的业务基础知识和表演技能,方司申领演出证。( ) 答案解析:
患者,男,30岁。长期在电脑前工作,近一年时感视力疲劳,两目干涩,头昏脑涨,腰膝酸痛,舌质略红,脉细涩。宜首选的药物是( 患者,男,30岁。长期在电脑前工作,近一年时感视力疲劳,两目干涩,头昏脑涨,腰膝酸痛,舌质略红,脉细涩。宜首选的药物是( ) 分类:专业科目 题型:判断题 查看答案
Electronic goods such as laser prints and computers contribu Electronic goods such as laser prints and computers contribute to__________. 分类:专业科目 题型:判断题 查看答案
According to the passage, which of the following issues woul According to the passage, which of the following issues would not have to be cle 分类:专业科目 题型:判断题 查看答案