根据以下材料,回答题Passage Three
Values and beliefs, often unconscious, affect our response to people and situation.Most North Ameri-cans, for example, value”fairness”.”You're not playing fair”is a sharp criticism calling for ehanged behavior.In some eountries,however, people expect certain groups to receive preferential treatment. Most North Ameri-cans accept competition and believe that it produces better performance. The Japanese, however, believe that competition leads todisharmony. US business people believe that success is based on individual achieve-ment and is open to anyone who excels. In England and in France,success is more obviously linked to social class. And in some countries, people of some castes or races are prohibited by law from full participation in society.
Many people in the United States value individualism. Other countries may value the group. In tradition-al classrooms,US students are expected to complete assignments alone, if they get much help from anyone else, they' re cheating. In Japan, in contrast, groups routinely work together to solve problems. In US white
culture, quiet is a sign that people are working. In Japan people talk to get the work done.
Even everyday practices differ from culture to culture. North Americans and Europeans put the family name last;Asians put it first. North American and European printing, moves from top to bottom and from left to right. Arabic reads from right to left, but still from top to bottom, Japanese reads from right to left and from
bottom to top, so Japanese and English books start at opposite ends. An American carpenter pushes a saw, a Japanese pulls it.Light switches and door knobs turn the opposite way in Japan and in the United States.Values are more pervasive than we sometimes realize. A US manager whose company was owned by the Japanese was asked to estimate the US sales potentialf or a piece of construction equipment that is widely used in Japan. The manager believed that the equipment was too small for US construction sites and knew that US builders were happy with the equipment they were using. But smallness is a virtue in crowded Japan,and technological innovation is more important. The manager felt that he had to defer to the values of the par-ent company in his report. He presented the potential problems of the equipment as mildly as possible and ended his report with a statement that if management decided to sell the equipment in the United States, he would do everything possible to market it. The statement was necessary, the man believed,so that his superi-orsin Japan would not see him as disloyal and attacking the company.
What is the implication of “You're not playing fair”?