回答题:Englishand English Community 1. Thereis no doubt that English is a useful language. The people who speak Englishtoday make up the largest speech community in the world with the exception ofspeakers of Chinese.
2. Aspeech community is similar to other kinds of communities. The people who makeup the community share a common language. Often they live side by side, as theydo in a neighbor- hood (街坊), a village, or a city. More often theyform a whole country. National bound- aries, however, are not always the sameas the boundaries of a speech community. A speech community is any group ofpeople who speak the same language no matter where they happen to live.
3. We maysay that anyone who speaks English belongs to the English speech community. Forconvenience (方便) we may divide the speakers into two groups:one in which the speakersuse English ~ s their native language, the other in which the speakers learnEnglish as a second language for the purpose of education, commerce, and so on.
4.Learning a second language extends one's vision and expands the minD.Thehistory and literature of a second language record the real and fictional (虚构的)lives of people and their culture; a knowledge of them adds to our ability tounderstand and to feel as they feel. Learning English as a second languageprovides another means of communication through which the window of the entireEnglish speech community becomes a part of our heritage.
Paragraph 1 __________ A.Threat Posed by English
B.Definition of a Speech Community
C.Benefits of Learning a Second Language
D.Advantages of Learning Chinese
E.Two Groups of the English Speech Community
F.A Widely Used Language