单选题:阅读下列短文,回答题。 Looking for Pen Pals Mary,24 years old, comes f

  • 题目分类:英语
  • 题目类型:单选题
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Looking for Pen Pals
Mary,24 years old, comes from Scotland and would like to find apen pal(笔友)who comesfrom East Europe. She likes playing the piano and listening to jazz music. She is interested in historybut does not like discussing politics.
Jim, 19 years old, comes from South Korea. He would like a pen pal who is interested in discus-sing the differences of life in Europe and Asia. He loves traveling, listening to pop music and playingfootball in his free time.
Pietro ,42 years old, comes from Argentina. He is a businessperson and would like to find a penpal who is also a businessperson and lives in North America. He likes using the Internet and listeningto light music.
Helga,31 years old, comes from Germany and speaks French, English and Russian. She wouldlike a pen pal who is interested in exchanging (交流) ideas about language learning. She does notlike using computers for learning and believes that language learning can only happen in a class-room.
Jennifer, 18, comes from New Orleans. She is interested in discussing the political differences
between East Europe and North America. She loves horse-riding and listening to jazz music.
Alessandro,25 years old,comes from Rome. He is interested in finding a pen pal who speaksdifferent languages and can exchange ideas on using computers for learning purposes. He likesplaying football in his free time.
Who are interested in the same kind of music? A.Mary and Pietro.
B.Pietro and Jim.
C.Jim and Jennifer.
D.Mary and Jennifer.


【背景资料】 某开发商投资新建一住宅小区工程,包括住宅楼5幢、会所1幢以及小区市政管网和道路设施,总建筑面积24000m

【背景资料】 某开发商投资新建一住宅小区工程,包括住宅楼5幢、会所1幢以及小区市政管网和道路设施,总建筑面积24000m2。经公开招标投标,某施工总承包单位中


荷载效应是在荷载作用下结构或构件内产生的(  )等的总称。

荷载效应是在荷载作用下结构或构件内产生的(  )等的总称。 A.振幅 B.内力 C.应力 D.变形 E.裂缝


单组分硅酮结构密封胶靠吸收空气中的水分而固化,固化时间一般需(  )d。

单组分硅酮结构密封胶靠吸收空气中的水分而固化,固化时间一般需(  )d。 A.3~5 B.7~10 C.14~21 D.20~25


冬期施工混凝土搅拌时间应比常温搅拌时间延长(  )s。

冬期施工混凝土搅拌时间应比常温搅拌时间延长(  )s。A.10~30 B.20~40 C.30~50 D.30~60


Take your computer to John, and he__________it for you.

Take your computer to John, and he__________it for you. A.repairs B.will repair
