根据以下材料,回答题The Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station made headlines in April when the doctor for that re- mote science facility was taken seriously ill in the middle of the dark, frigid Antarctic winter. Tharllkfully, Canadian pilots successfully evacuated the stricken physician--but he was not all that was ailing at the bottom of the world. The station itself has been deteriorating for years, prompting the National Science Foundation to begin this past year a $153 million modernization, which should be completed by early 2006.
But construction at this remote site is no small task. All materials have to be carried in by air from McMurdo Station on the coast using special ski-equipped transport planes. And workers have to contend with temoeratures that average around -32 degrees Celsius over the summer months.
The South Pole also provides astrophysicists with a remarkable laboratory to study high-energy neutrinos: AMANDA(Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array) uses deeply buried sensors at the South Pole to register the rare interactions between these particles and the ice itself.
Such rationale for a base at the South Pole do not, however, hold up very well under scrutiny. AMANDA could, for example, be installed at any Antarctic site where the glacial ice is thick and free of dust.
Indeed, these problems make the South Pole appropriate for only a limited number of astro- nomical observations, primarily those in the sub-millimeter to millimeter regime. Shorter wave- lengths (infrared and optical) can be better studied in places like Mauna Kea in Hawaii, which lacks a troublesome inversion layer. And longer wavelengths (centimeter and longer-wave radio frequencies) are so little bothered by atmospheric absorption that siting the receiving antennas at the ends of the earth is not necessary.
So some astronomers are quite keen to set up their instruments in Antarctica to take advantage of the thin, cold air. Still, the South Pole is probably not the best place to conduct these operations from a purely scientific perspective, because higher elevations on the Antarctic Plateau offer even thinner and colder air.
Peter Timbie, a physicist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, who plans to study the mi- crowave background radiation from Antarctica, says that although Dome C might be a slightly bet- ter place to deploy his instrument, he plans to use South Pole Station because he is reluctant to ask the NSF for money to do astronomy at a French-Italian base: "My guess is that they would not be real excited about that. " Timbie notes that there is really very little difference between the two sites for his research, but he points out that the turbulent inversion layer may be absent at Concordia, making it superior to the Pole for optical and infrared astronomy.