填空题:根据下面材料,回答题。 As part of more comprehensive compliance andethi

As part of more comprehensive compliance andethics programs,many companies have formu-lated internal policies pertaining to theethical conduct of employees.These policies can besimple exhortations in broad,highly-generalizedlanguage(typically called a corporate ethics statement),or they can be more detailed policies,containingspecific behavioral requirements(typically called corporate ethics codes).61)They are generally meant to identify the company's expectationsof workers and to offer guidance on handling some of the more common ethicalproblems that might arise inthe course of doing business.62)It is hoped that having such a policy will lead to greater ethicalawareness,consistency in application, and the avoidance of ethical disasters
63)Anincreasing number of companies also requires employees to attend seminarsregarding business conduct,which often include discussion of the company'spolicies,specific case studies,and legal requirements.Some companies evenrequire their employees to sign agreements stating that they will abide by thecompany’S rules of conduct.
Manycompanies are assessing the environmenml factors that Can lead employees toengage in unethical conduct.A competitive business environment may call for unethical behavior.Lying has become expected in fields such as trading.An example of this are the issues surrounding the unethi-cal actionsof the Saloman Brothers.
Noteveryone supports corporate policies that govern ethical conduct.Some claim that ethical problemsare better dealt with by depending upon employees to use their own judgment.
Othersbelieve that corporate ethics policies are primarily rooted in utilitarianconcerns,and thatthey are mainly to limit the company’S legal liability,orto curry public favor by giving the ap.pearance ofbeing a good corporate citizen.Ideally,the company will avoid a lawsuit because its employees will followthe rules.64)Should a lawsuit occur,the company canclaim that the prob-lem wouldnot have arisen if the employee had only followedthe code properly
Sometimesthere is disconnection between the company’S code of ethics and the company’Sac-tual practices.65)Thus,whetheror not such conduct is explicitly sanctioned bymanagement,at worst,this makesthepolicyduplicitous(搞两面派的),and,at best,it is merely a nlarketing tool.

According to the text,one needs the white card to__________

According to the text,one needs the white card to__________. A.open his room. B


进口货物的完税价格确定中,如果卖方延期交货的罚款,卖方在货价中冲减时,罚款可以从成交价格中扣除。(  )

进口货物的完税价格确定中,如果卖方延期交货的罚款,卖方在货价中冲减时,罚款可以从成交价格中扣除。(  )


燃气管道的气密性试验持续时间一般不少于 (  ),实际压力降不超过允许值为合格。

燃气管道的气密性试验持续时间一般不少于 (  ),实际压力降不超过允许值为合格。A.4h B.12h C.24h D.48h


供热管道严密性试验压力为设计压力的(  )倍且不小于(  )MPa。

供热管道严密性试验压力为设计压力的(  )倍且不小于(  )MPa。A.1.5;0.6 B.1. 25;0.6 C.1.5;0.5 D.1. 25;0.5


下列可能成为长期融资和短期融资需求的借款原因的是( )。

下列可能成为长期融资和短期融资需求的借款原因的是( )。A.应收账款和存货周转率的下降 B.应收账款和存货周转率的上升 C.应付账款和存货周转率的下降 D.应付
