单选题:Soviet-American Relations  In the fall of 1946. President Tr

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  Soviet-American Relations  In the fall of 1946. President Truman asked for a comprehensive study of Soviet- American relations,which he knew would be the central problem of American foreign policy. The result was an important state paper prepared through the Secretary of State(国务), the Secretary of War. the Attorney General(检察长). the Secretary of the Navy, Fleet Adrmiral(海军司令) Leahy (who had been Roosevelt's chief military adviser), the Joint Chiefs of Staff(参谋长联席会议主席). Ambassador Edwin W.Pauley (in charge of negotiating postwar reparations), the Director of Central Intelligence(中央情报局局长), and other persons with special knowledge of foreign affairs.The document was imposing in its scope and depth, comprising nearly a hundred thousand words and divided into an introduction and six sections. It dealt with Soviet foreign policy, Soviet-American agreements, Soviet violations of its agreements with the U. S.,conflicting views on reparations, Soviet activities affecting American security, and U.S. policy toward the Soviet Union.
  This study Truman asked for was drafted on the premise (前提) that only through an accurate understanding of the Soviet Union would the U. S. be able to make and carry out policies that would re-establish international order and protect the U. S. at all times. The key, according to the study; was to realize' that Moscow's leaders adhered to the Marxist theory of ultimate destruction of capitalist states by communist states, but that they sought to postpone the inevitable conflict while they strengthened and prepared the Soviet Union for its clash with the Western democracies: The study said Moscow's main concern regarding the other nations of Western Europe was to prevent the formation of a Western bloc (集团). It noted, too, that Red Army troops and Russian planes in combat readiness outnumbered American units opposite them in Germany, Austria, and Korea in overwhelming strength, placing U.S.forces literally at the mercy of the Soviet government.The text associates President Truman with_________ A.peace with hono
B.anti-Communist sentiment
C.the long-standing Cold, War
D.Western imperialism (帝国主义)

Paris  1. Paris, the capital and the largest city of the cou

Paris  1. Paris, the capital and the largest city of the country, is in north


What is the main idea of this passage?

What is the main idea of this passage?A.WOrld governments should conduct serious


抵押权和质押权都是担保物权,两者有一定的区别。对此表述错误的是(  )。

抵押权和质押权都是担保物权,两者有一定的区别。对此表述错误的是(  )。A.抵押的标的物既可以是动产如可以是不动产;质押的标的物则不包括不动产 B.抵押权的没定


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甲欠乙1万元借款,甲到期还不起这笔钱。乙打听到丙欠甲15 000元钱。甲一直没有向丙催要,乙准备要求丙清偿甲的欠款。乙的下列行为中符合代位权行使的有关法律规定的
