单选题:根据短文内容,回答题。Everyone is exposed to it,so naturally some peopl

Everyone is exposed to it,so naturally some people will imitate what they see on TV,what they read in the newspapers and what they witness every day.It is better to prevent violence than to try to stop it. Dentists tell you to brush your teeth to prevent cavities so they won’t have to fill the cavity later. People and lawmakers all over the world realize this.The next question is,“How do you prevent violence from happening?”
To answer this question,you may ask yourself,“What causes violence?”Guns are definitely something used in acts of violence,but just about anything will do.Bare hands are often the weapons. What we have to do is to work together as a community and make violence wrong but not to tolerate.We’ve got to find a better solution than jails,and we’ve got to do it now.It’s not something that can wait.The message “Violence is wrong”has got to be everywhere you look on TV,on street signs,buses,radio,in every kind of language English,Spanish,French,Hebrew, you name it,so that it can reach all kinds of people.People need to be coo1.Violence needs to be labeled as foolish.It cannot be machismo(大男子气概)and toughness.
We can reach people in all kinds of ways.Little reminders that “Violence is wrong” can show up in any way,shape or form: chain letters, a million dollars to anyone who can make a video showing 30 acts of kindness,flyers, newspaper ads, contests in schools a free TV ad to the most peace loving company and much more.To do so,lots of people have to be willing to work together and break the cycle.
The pronoun “it” in the first paragraph refers specifically to________. A.TV program
C.newspaper articles
D.what they see every day


What can we conclude from this passage?

What can we conclude from this passage?A.Water is almost as important as food. B


根据《期货公司首席风险官管理规定(试行)》,期货公司应当(  )提名并聘任首席风险官。

根据《期货公司首席风险官管理规定(试行)》,期货公司应当(  )提名并聘任首席风险官。A.根据公司章程的规定 B.由监事会 C.由董事长 D.由总经理


下列期货公司股权变更的情形应当经中国证监会或其派出机构批准的是(  )。

下列期货公司股权变更的情形应当经中国证监会或其派出机构批准的是(  )。A.有关联关系的股东合计持股比例增加到5% B.有关联关系的股东合计持股比例增加到3%


中国期货业协会应当自对期货从业人员做出纪律惩戒决定之日起(  )个工作日内,向中国证监会及其有关派出机构报告。

中国期货业协会应当自对期货从业人员做出纪律惩戒决定之日起(  )个工作日内,向中国证监会及其有关派出机构报告。A.10 B.20 C.5 D.15


期货交易所、期货公司违反《期货投资者保障基金管理暂行办法》的规定,延期缴纳或者拒不缴纳保障基金的,由(  )根据《期货交

期货交易所、期货公司违反《期货投资者保障基金管理暂行办法》的规定,延期缴纳或者拒不缴纳保障基金的,由(  )根据《期货交易管理条例》进行处罚。A.中国证监会 B
