回答题。Erum Nadeem:
Your article on happiness lifted my spirits.There is one very interesting aspect to note: theeight steps to happiness listed on pages 32-33 may as well be translations of the values of our cul-tural tradition.If people would see our values from these aspects, there would be no misunder-standing-only happiness.
Sander Tideman:
I applaud your special on the science of happiness.However, the issue would have been morecomplete had it mentioned the idea of viewing economic development policies in the context of"gross national happiness" or GNI-I.This concept is based on the recognition that gross nationalproduct does not accurately reflect the well-being of a nation.GNH is a bold idea with far-reachingeffects.Since happiness has a scientific base, it can be developed and promoted on a larger socialscale.
Paul Aboh:
Happiness is a gift, not a commodity.Even the poor have the ability to cultivate and sharehappiness.We can find pleasure in the small things we often take for granted-a smile, a helpinghand, a kiss, a wave, a pat on the back, a glass of water and a promise kept.And when you dis-cover its source, you know it.Sometimes happiness overflows, but it never destroys.
Mansoor Malik
Happiness is not a product of achievement or wealth or fame.It is the reaction of our mind tothe environment.Faith in the values of our long-cherished cultural tradition is a source of well-being.Happiness comes from caring for others and giving whatever we can--help, hope, love,respect, sympathy or just a smile.
Peter Fischer
At a time when there seem to be so many reasons for being unhappy, I appreciated your spe-cial report on happiness.Surely the poorest kids in Africa who are without parents and are oftenhungry are the ones with the most reasons to be unhappy.What can possibly make them smile? Asyour article pointed out, however, we cannot wait for enough friends or a lot of money to make ushappy.We have an amazing capacity to set ourselves right.
Now match the name of each person (61 to 65) to the appropriate statement.
Note: there are two extra statements.
Erum Nadeem A.A rich person is not necessarily happy.
B.Things people often overlook may be the very source of happiness.
C.Happiness can be promoted on a scientific basis.
D.We should mainly rely on ourselves for happiness.
E.Happiness lies in giving instead of taking.
F.The environment is a source of happiness.
G.Happiness can be achieved if we stick to the best of our values.