单选题:请根据短文内容,回答题。A library is more than just a place where books

A library is more than just a place where books are stored.A library is a source of information. That information may come from books(fiction,nonfiction,or reference books),from periodicals (newspapers,magazines,and journals),from audio—visual materials(records,cassettes,microfilm,video tapes,etc.),or even from a computer terminal.
Students go to libraries to study and to write research papers.The periodicals room of a university library is where foreign students often find newspapers and magazines from their countries。
In the reference room,they can find catalogs from many universities in the U.S.and other countries.If you are buying a used car.the reference librarian can show you the Blue Book,which lists the prices of new and used cars.People who need information in a hurry can telephone the reference librarian at many libraries.
There are as many different library services as there are types of people who use them.
Children’s libraries provide materials for young readers.They sometimes have story tellers who read to groups of children.and a few have computers for the children to play with.Music lovers can listen to recordings of their favorite musicians in music libraries.Some libraries offer special services for blind people,such as books in Braille,“talking” books,and Kurzweil Reading Machines.
Libraries provide entertainment as well as information.Novels and short stories from a library’s fiction collection are a good source of enjoyable reading practice.Public libraries often sponsor lectures on topics of interest to members of the community,and a few even offer concerts and films.
No matter what your interests are,you will find that a library can be a great place to enjoy yourself while you learn.
In libraries,readers can get information from_________. A.computer terminal,books,periodicals or nonfiction
B.books,periodicals,audio-visual materials or video tapes
C.periodicals,books,audio-visual materials or a computer terminal
D.materials,reference books,periodicals,audio-visual or journals


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项目投资估算中的动态投资部分包括(  )。A.建设投资 B.建设期利息 C.基本预备费 D.价差预备费 E.流动资金


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按我国现行投资构成,下列费用中,构成工程建设其他费用中固定资产其他费用的是(  )。A.可行性研究费 B.施工降水费 C.工程保险费 D.联合试运转费 E.生产
