选择题:[单选题,7.1分] You ________ him about this since he co 题目分类:河南财经政法大学-会计学-大学英语4 题目类型:选择题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: [单选题,7.1分] You ________ him about this since he could find out for himself. A.needn.t tell B.need tell C.need have told D.needn.t have told 参考答案:
[单选题,7.1分] They are a reminder that great powers s [单选题,7.1分] They are a reminder that great powers should steer ________ small war 分类:河南财经政法大学-会计学-大学英语4 题型:选择题 查看答案
[单选题,7.1分] Ever since the invention of television [单选题,7.1分] Ever since the invention of television there hasn.t been anything as 分类:河南财经政法大学-会计学-大学英语4 题型:选择题 查看答案
46. 患者刘某,男,24 岁,发热恶寒汗出 3 天,经某医给桂枝汤,恶寒消失,但发热仍在,旋即出现 46. 患者刘某,男,24 岁,发热恶寒汗出 3 天,经某医给桂枝汤,恶寒消失,但发热仍在,旋即出现气喘,汗出,咳嗽黄痰,舌质红,脉数而大,可以何方主治 分类:河南财经政法大学-会计学-大学英语4 题型:选择题 查看答案
[单选题,7.6分] More than 100 fire-fighters ________ Fl [单选题,7.6分] More than 100 fire-fighters ________ Florida blaze on Monday. A.fidd 分类:河南财经政法大学-会计学-大学英语4 题型:选择题 查看答案