单选题:Michael's new house is like a huge palace, ______with his ol 题目分类:英语 题目类型:单选题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: Michael's new house is like a huge palace, ______with his old one A.comparing B.compares C.to compare D.compared 参考答案: 答案解析:
What did Henry learn from the newspaper that day? What did Henry learn from the newspaper that day?A.A valuable suitcase was missi 分类:英语 题型:单选题 查看答案
请结合阿庆这一形象,探究作者提出的“精神生活有时可以代替物质生活”的观点。(6分) 答: 请结合阿庆这一形象,探究作者提出的“精神生活有时可以代替物质生活”的观点。(6分) 答: 分类:英语 题型:单选题 查看答案
听第8段材料,回答第题。How long has the man been in London? 听第8段材料,回答第题。How long has the man been in London?A.One yea B.A few year C.A coupl 分类:英语 题型:单选题 查看答案
听第7段材料,回答第题。Why doesn’t the woman take the green T-shirt? 听第7段材料,回答第题。Why doesn’t the woman take the green T-shirt?A.It’s too smal B.It’t 分类:英语 题型:单选题 查看答案
阅读下面这首唐诗,然后回答问题。(8分)军城早秋严武[注]昨夜秋风入汉关,朔云边月满西山。更催飞将追骄虏,莫遣沙场匹马还 阅读下面这首唐诗,然后回答问题。(8分)军城早秋严武[注]昨夜秋风入汉关,朔云边月满西山。更催飞将追骄虏,莫遣沙场匹马还。[注]严武(726-765):字季鹰, 分类:英语 题型:单选题 查看答案