Questions are based on the following passage.If you think giving someone the cold shoulder inflicts pain only on them, beware.
A new study shows that individuals who deliberately avoid another person are equallydistressed by the experience.
What causes this discomfort? The research found that complying with instructions toexclude another person leads most people to feel shame and guilt, along with a diminishedsense of autonomy, explains Nicole Legate, lead author of the Psychological Sciencepaper and a doctoral candidate at the University of Rochester. The results also showed thatinflicting social pain makes people feel less connected to others. "We are social animalsat heart," says Legate. "We typically are empathetic ( 同感的 ) and avoid harming othersunless we feel threatened."
To capture the dual dynamics of social rejection, the researchers turned to Cyberball,an online game developed by ostracism (排斥) researcher Kipling Williams of PurdueUniversity. For this study, each participant tossed a ball with two other "players" in thegame. The participant is led to believe that the other players are controlled by real peoplefrom offsite computers. In fact, the virtual players are part of the experiment and are pre-programmed to either play fair (share the ball equally) or play mean (exclude one playerafter initially sharing the ball twice).
The researchers randomly assigned 152 undergraduates to one of four gamescenarios. In the "ostraeizer" group, one of the virtual players was programmed to excludethe other virtual player and the study participant was instructed to exclude the same player.
In a second set-up, the tables were turned. This time the pre-programmed players frozeout the study participant. The study participant, who read instructions to throw the ball toother players, was left empty handed for most of the game, watching the ball pass backand forth, unable to join in.
"Although there are no visible scars, ostracism has been shown to activate the sameneural pathways as physical pain," says Ryan. But complying with instructions to excludeothers was equally disheartening, the data shows, though for different reasons. Thisstudy suggests that the psychological costs of rejecting others are linked primarily to thethwarting ( 挫败 ) of autonomy and relatedness.
These new experiments build on the classic work of Yale University psychologistStanley Milgram and others who demonstrated that people are disturbingly willing toinflict pain on others when instructed to by an authority. As in Milgram's studies, onlya small number of the participants in this current research refused to snub ( 冷落 ) theother player. The authors suggest that future investigations could explore the differencesbetween individuals who comply with and those who defy pressure to harm others.
What is the feeling of persons who deliberately avoid another person according to the study? A.They are indifferent.
B.They feel equally painful.
C.They feel being also excluded,
D.They feel threatened.