Get up early, ______ you will miss your train.

Get up early, ______ you will miss your train.


甲乙丙三人参加 2022 年冬奥会北京、 延庆、 张家口三个赛区志愿服务活动, 若每人只能选择一个赛区, 且选择其中任何一个赛区是等可能的. 记 X 为三人选中

甲乙丙三人参加 2022 年冬奥会北京、 延庆、 张家口三个赛区志愿服务活动, 若每人只能选择一个赛区, 且选择其中任何一个赛区是等可能的. 记 X 为三人选中的赛区个数, Y为三人没有选中的赛区个数


It took them about five hours to________ the fire. Although the house was destro

It took them about five hours to________ the fire. Although the house was destroyed, nobody was hurt


At last, the girl was made _________ to music and began to do her homework.

At last, the girl was made _________ to music and began to do her homework.


某中学举办了“迎接冰雪之约, 奔向美好未来” 的奥运知识竞赛, 知识竞赛规则如下:在预设的 6 个问题中, 选手若能连续正确回答出 3 个问题, 即停止答题,

某中学举办了“迎接冰雪之约, 奔向美好未来” 的奥运知识竞赛, 知识竞赛规则如下:在预设的 6 个问题中, 选手若能连续正确回答出 3 个问题, 即停止答题, 晋级下一轮. 假某选手正确回答每个问题的
