Wildfires dominated the western parts of the United States e Wildfires dominated the western parts of the United States earlier this year, co 分类:GRE 题型:单选题 查看答案
招标是招标人在买卖大宗货物或服务、发包建设中工程、合作经营某项业务前,不经过一般交易磋商程序,而是在一定范围内公开货物、 招标是招标人在买卖大宗货物或服务、发包建设中工程、合作经营某项业务前,不经过一般交易磋商程序,而是在一定范围内公开货物、工程或服务采购的条件和要求,邀请众多投标 分类:GRE 题型:单选题 查看答案
The terms under which the ship owner is not responsible for The terms under which the ship owner is not responsible for loading,discharging, 分类:GRE 题型:单选题 查看答案
Multimodal transport has the advantages such as( ). Multimodal transport has the advantages such as( ). 分类:GRE 题型:单选题 查看答案