填空题:Questions 8 - 12·Read this advertisement about business book

  • 题目分类:中级
  • 题目类型:填空题
  • 查看权限:VIP
Questions 8 - 12
·Read this advertisement about business book reviews.
·Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.
·For each gap 8 - 12, mark one letter A - I on your Answer Sheet.
·Do not mark any letter twice.

A) These introductory texts are the most important books and using them can pay big dividends.
B) Discover practical tips and techniques you can apply without delay.
C) In order to avoid this problem, we select for you only the truly worthwhile titles and reject the rest.
D) According to studies published in psychology journals, you retain the content of a summary better than a book.
E) He or she would take the most important ideas from each one, and compile them into a neat executive summary.
F) With the breadth and depth of knowledge gained from books, it is less likely that you'll be caught off guard.
G) Each contains all the key points in the original book, but instead of 200 to 500 pages there are only eight pages.
H) There's a sample of the superb business titles that we summarise for you.
I) With all the reading you have to do in the normal course of your work, you find it impossible to keep up with all the new business books.

姜炙后能缓和苦寒之性,并能增强止呕作用的药物是(  )。

姜炙后能缓和苦寒之性,并能增强止呕作用的药物是(  )。A.黄芩 B.厚朴 C.知母 D.黄连 E.半夏



诊断原发性不孕的依据为A.结婚2年,未避孕1年,未孕 B.结婚2年,安全期避孕,未孕 C.结婚3年,未避孕,自然流产1次后未孕 D.结婚4年,避孕套避孕,近2年


(  )说明了根据测试结果预测将来行为的有效性。

(  )说明了根据测试结果预测将来行为的有效性。 A.预测效度 B.同侧效度 C.内容效度 D.异侧效度


下列关于公文筐测试的描述错误的是(  )。

下列关于公文筐测试的描述错误的是(  )。 A.考官要对应聘者的工作进行集体评价 B.可以考察应聘者的沟通能力,协调能力 C.要求应聘者在规定时间内处理完考官


(  )强调人各有所长也各有所短,应以己之长补他人之短。

(  )强调人各有所长也各有所短,应以己之长补他人之短。 A.要素有用原理 B.能位对应原理 C.互补增值原理 D.动态适应原理
