填空题:This model of typewriter is efficient, economical and (pract 题目分类:英语三级B级 题目类型:填空题 查看权限:VIP 题目内容: This model of typewriter is efficient, economical and (practice) _____ for college students. 参考答案: 答案解析:
What does the passage say about hate? What does the passage say about hate?A. Hate is as positive as lov B. Hate is ge 分类:英语三级B级 题型:填空题 查看答案
What can we infer from the passage? What can we infer from the passage?A. Students in American universities normally 分类:英语三级B级 题型:填空题 查看答案
George Gordon Byron was famous for the following works EXCEP George Gordon Byron was famous for the following works EXCEPTA.Child Harold’s Pi 分类:英语三级B级 题型:填空题 查看答案