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Suzie :It' s so good to have some chocolate after such a long day. I wonder how they couldbe made so delicious.
Charles:They are made from Cocoa beans, grown on a small tropical plant called the Cocoa
Suzie:So it can only be grown in the tropical countries?
Charles: Yes, in Central and South America, and other tropical areas. As a matter of fact,70% of the world' s Cocoa trees are grown in South Africa. Cocoas beans are theseeds of the tree. Unlike the fruit, it' s actually quite bitter.
Suzie:Really? Then how does it become the sweet chocolate then?
Charles: The Cocoa beans are roasted so that it dries and the flavor becomes stronger. Afterthat, the beans would get cracked to leave out the outer shells, and then ground to apaste.
Suzie:Can the paste be eaten?
Charles : If we remove the fat from the paste, we then get cocoa, which is a favorite drink inwinter. But if we want to make chocolate bars, we still need to add things like sug-ar, cocoa butter, vanilla, and milk. When this mixture get heated and cooled forseveral times, it gets really smooth and can be made into the chocolate bars that youlove so much.