有红黄蓝三种颜色的气球,红气球和黄气球合在一起共27个,黄气球和蓝气球合在一起共32个,红气球和蓝气球合在一起共29个, 有红黄蓝三种颜色的气球,红气球和黄气球合在一起共27个,黄气球和蓝气球合在一起共32个,红气球和蓝气球合在一起共29个,问三种颜色的球中数量相差最大的是多少个? 分类:行政能力 题型:单选题 查看答案
Piggyback is a system of unitized multimodal land transport Piggyback is a system of unitized multimodal land transport by( ). 分类:行政能力 题型:单选题 查看答案
Far from contributing to the __________ of the father and hi Far from contributing to the __________ of the father and his son, these emotion 分类:行政能力 题型:单选题 查看答案