填空题:根据下面资料,回答题 Among the raft of books, articles, jokes, romanti

Among the raft of books, articles, jokes, romantic comedies, self-help guides and otherwritings discussing marriage, some familiar ideas often crop up.Few appear more often than the(21) that many old couples look alike.You have probably seen it before--two elderlypeople walking hand-in-hand down the street or sitting at a cafe, (22) each other sostrongly that they could be siblings.Do these couples actually look alike, and if (23) ,what has caused them to develop this way?
A study published in the March 2006 issue of Personality and Individual Differences may havethe (24) .Twenty-two people, divided equally between male and female, participated inthe study.They were asked to judge the looks, personalities and ages of 160 married couples.Theparticipants viewed photographs of men and women separately and were (25) told whowas married to whom.The subjects consistently judged people who were married (26) being similar (27) appearance and personality.The researchers also found that couples who had been together longer appeared more similar.
This result (28) itself may'not seem surprising, but the study also offered some answers on (29) couples may look alike.To start, consider that life experiences can end up being reflected physically.Someone (30) is happy and smiles more will develop the facial muscles and wrinkles related to smiling.The years of experience of an elderly couple' s marriage, happy (31) not, would then be reflected in their (32) Genetic influences are (33) factor.A past study showed that genetically similar people have better marriages.Such families have (34) incidents of child abuse and a lower rate of miscarriages.People also appear to be more selfless (35) involved with genetically similar partners.

Why do many Of the boys avoid certain instruments?

Why do many Of the boys avoid certain instruments? A.Because they find it not ch


政府采购信息应当在省级以上财政部门指定的政府采购信息发布媒体上向社会公开发布。( )

政府采购信息应当在省级以上财政部门指定的政府采购信息发布媒体上向社会公开发布。( )


企业实际发生的与取得收入有关的、合理的支出,包括成本、费用、税金、损失和其他支出等,准予在计算应纳税所得额时扣除。( )

企业实际发生的与取得收入有关的、合理的支出,包括成本、费用、税金、损失和其他支出等,准予在计算应纳税所得额时扣除。( )


汇入银行对于向收款人发出取款通知,经过( )个月无法交付的汇款,应办理退汇。

汇入银行对于向收款人发出取款通知,经过( )个月无法交付的汇款,应办理退汇。A.1 B.6 C.2 D.3


下列 选项中不属于该药材性状鉴别特征的是

下列 选项中不属于该药材性状鉴别特征的是 A.叶多皱缩、破碎,完整者展平后呈椭圆形 B.叶片蓝绿或蓝黑色,先端钝,全缘 C.基部狭窄下延至叶柄成翼状 D.叶柄扁
