Promoting Cycling in Our CityAn essential element of the transportation system in many of the cities around the worldis cycling. The city of Buffalo recognizes this and develops a 10-year plan to promote morecycling in our city.
The city's development plan includes the addition of more cycling_____7_____to our streets.This, of course, is with the intention of encouraging greater cycling_____8_____by our citizens in aneffort to mimic the benefits other global cities have experienced, such as the reduction of pollutionand traffic congestion as well as health and social advantages.
Other plans include a coordinated network of bicycle lanes to be interconnected to thesurrounding towns as well as the setting up of a number of social programs to provide informationto the cyclists.
The city wishes to hear your thoughts about its____9______. Further information and submissionforms are available at our website: www.cityofbuffalo.gov.us, by visiting your local NeighborhoodService Center, or by calling 755-9333.