单选题:A Some felt that they could increase their efficiency and im

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A Some felt that they could increase their efficiency and improve their market flexibility by merging.
B They maintain that such action increases competition instead of reducing it.
C Other industries experiencing large takeovers were banking and finance, Insur-ance, mining and mineral, and processed foods.
D Fierce competition on the international market results in combinations of small firms.
E A classic example is Mobil Oil Corporation's purchase of the huge retail chain Montgomery Ward & Company.
F A merger occurs when two or more companies get together to form one company.
(  )

Concerning the use of sleeping pills, which of the following

Concerning the use of sleeping pills, which of the following statements is true?


Since the 10th century, the population of Paris__________.

Since the 10th century, the population of Paris__________.


"Needs" and "wants" mean the same in our discussion.

"Needs" and "wants" mean the same in our discussion.A.A Right B.B Wrong C.C Not


《内部会计控制规范—基本规范(试行)》对内部会计控制的(  )等内容作了全面、系统的规定。

《内部会计控制规范—基本规范(试行)》对内部会计控制的(  )等内容作了全面、系统的规定。 A.检查 B.目标和原则 C.方法 D.内容


__________A. E-mails B. passagesC. textsD. books

__________A. E-mails B. passagesC. textsD. books
